

Building a Career in Geospatial Technology Services

We are told early on in education to start thinking about “what we want to be when we grow up.” However, as the […]

We are told early on in education to start thinking about “what we want to be when we grow up.” However, as the years go by we soon realize that the people who were telling us this were right, in the fact that everything you do from highschool on can impact your career. The use of geospatial technology services is increasing day by day in a variety of fields. The skills required to be in this line of work is continuously evolving, but Geo Owl is here to provide recommendations for those interested in becoming a GTS professional. 

  1. Education. The starting point of any stable career is an education. In high school, students should achieve competitive grades in environmental sciences, math, and technology classes. Rather than spending their elective hours on weight lifting or ceramics, involving themselves in IT, Geography and Environmental Studies will place them above others. Graduating, and moving on into a four-year degree in geography, geoscience, anthropology, or archaeology. This decision can be changed early on in your college education, but will impact specific skill sets you learn throughout college. College is a great time to involve yourself in extra circulars that pertain to geospatial technology services such as cartography, database management, web technologies, and a variety of programming. While most employers strongly prefer a bachelor’s degree in Geography, Computer Science, Engineering, or Environmental Sciences, but those with a master’s degree will be more successful in their search and placement.
  1. Certifications. During your time as a student, your school gives you access to databases and certification courses that you can take in your free time. Any chance you get to extend your understanding of the information is a great resume and knowledge booster. Courses in Software Application, GIS Application, GIS Customization, Relational Database Management, and HTML or JavaScript Programming, are a few examples of what to look for. Taking courses online, through a community college, or a traveling class are all excellent ways to grasp more concepts. 
  1. Experience. Experience is one of the most beneficial and critical steps to this entire process. Internships are extremely popular for geospatial technology services as they allow the employer inexpensive labor for lower-level GIS tasks. This is a great opportunity for the student and company alike, for the reason that the student can be making a small income during school, and the company can train possible future employees exactly how they’d like to. The only way to truly master the ability of GIS is to simply use it. To find internships, use your connections through your school such as professors, club leaders, Linked In professionals, company websites, and hiring websites to find possible internship opportunities.
  1. Military. If the college path isn’t for you, or if your lifelong plan is to be in the military, don’t give up on being interested in geospatial technology services quite yet. The military offers a wide variety of college courses and certifications to achieve while being an active member. The military is one of the largest users of geospatial technology services and trains its members in tactical ways that no other training course or internship could prepare you for. If you gained experience through the military and are now looking for a more civilized lifestyle, the knowledge and skills you gained from active duty can be a big help in looking for a job outside of the public sector. 

Geo Owl is a premier provider of Full-Motion Video (FMV), Geospatial Intelligence, ISR, and IT services to the Department of Defense and Intelligence Community. Delivering high-quality solutions to our mission partners in the United States through our expert analysts is what we do best. If you are interested in beginning or continuing your career in geospatial technology services or other similar fields, contact Geo Owl today. 




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