

Team Feature: Lydia Hazelwonder

What brought you to Geo Owl?
I found Geo Owl while searching for an internship to match and help advance my graduate school major.

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What brought you to Geo Owl?
I found Geo Owl while searching for an internship to match and help advance my graduate school major. As a student in the Integrated Marketing Communications field, my choices remained pretty broad and I was very intrigued when I came across their ad for a graphic design/marketing position. I wanted to gain experience in a less familiar subject and after checking out their website, I found their innovative, modern approach to finding real-world solutions very refreshing. Seeing how well the brand and culture aligned during my interview sealed the deal!

What do you do at Geo Owl?
My position at Geo Owl is Marketing Assistant, but my tasks vary depending on the projects we are working on. A couple recent activities I have been assigned include Trade show budgeting, booth design, and travel planning for a Geospatial Intelligence trade show in Florida and designing webpage mockups for future company product releases. Some of my more routine tasks involve helping create social media content and manage company swag.

What is your favorite part of your job?
My favorite part of working at Geo Owl has to be the people I work with! From day one, everybody at the office has been nothing but welcoming and helpful. It really makes a difference in the learning process when you know you have a great, experienced support team.

Do you have any hobbies? If so, what?
Yes! My move to Wilmington was greatly influenced by its proximity to the ocean, as I truly love anything outdoors. Swimming, boating, hiking, and water sports are at the top of the list, just to name a few, but anything in the sun would make the cut.

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What is your favorite book and why?
Between school and work it’s hard to find time to leisure read, but I make sure to fit in plenty of time in the summer when I’m less busy. One of my favorites books still remains The Fault in Our Stars by John Green because I’m a sucker for a good romantic.

Where do you see yourself five years from now?
In five years, I hope to be either finishing up a doctorate degree in marketing or gaining work experience in the corporate marketing field in a big city like Miami. While I’m pretty open to any area, I love would to be somewhere more populated than Wilmington and definitely farther south.

What advice would you give to other people in your career field?
I would advise others in my career field to keep an open mind about their career course. The field of marketing is so extensive and with thousands of different positions becoming available every day, it’s important to remember how versatile the skill set can be. Reaching outside of your comfort zone could lead you down a more rewarding path than you ever imagined.





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